Vicki came to me as a complete ‘tweakment’ virgin. She hadn’t had any previous aesthetic treatments, which means she’s the perfect candidate for this photo journey.

I worked out a personalised plan for Vicki. Be sure to come back regularly to see her progress as I’ll update this page as she receives further treatments.


Vicki had her first Polynucleotide stem cell treatment on the 5th of April. These photos were taken when she returned on the 26th for her second session. I injected Polynucleotides into 5 areas on her face. Because the action of polynucleotides is at the cellular level, it takes time to work. Vicki may start to notice some improvement in the texture and function of her skin after 2 - 3 weeks, but she’ll see the full effect after 3 months.

The treatment is designed to promote cell turnover, improve skin elasticity and hydration, and heal sun-damaged skin. it’s great for fine lines and wrinkles, rosacea and all scarring. It helps repair tissue by stimulating fibroblasts, encouraging a 50% increase in cell turnover, improving elasticity, boosting collagen production and hydrating the skin whilst repairing and renewing.


As we get older, the DAO muscle that attaches to the corner of our mouth and the bottom of the lower jaw, just to the side of the chin start to pull down, making us look sad and fed up. Injecting Botox directly into these muscles causes them to relax and reduces the downward pull on the corners of the mouth. This results in a more lifted and youthful appearance, with a less sad or angry expression. Vicki’s chin muscles had been pulling too hard (totally natural as we age) resulting in small irregularities, known as 'orange peel skin'. I treated her central chin muscle (the Mentalis) with Botox to relax it, and smooth out the irregularities. I also added some Botox to her forehead and around her eyes.


Vicki walked into my treatment room beaming from ear to ear when she returned on 17th May for her third and final Polynucleotide stem cell treatment of this course of 3. The difference in her skin texture and firmness was so apparent, she was glowing, her forehead was smoother and her chin more relaxed – and it will keep improving over the next few months! Vicki will return once every 6 months for a top-up to maintain the results.

I also reviewed Vicki’s Botox, she needed a little more around her eyes to smooth out her crow’s feet and I also added a touch more in her mantalis muscle in her chin.

To get back Vicki’s sweetheart-shaped face of her youth I added fillers in 3 areas on each cheek and also 3 points on her chin. The aim is to balance out the structure of her face while keeping it natural looking. To ensure the filler is injected in the right place I carefully map out the face to work out where my injection points will be. Everyone’s face is different so this step is vital to ensure the best results to suit each individual client’s face shape.

The thing I love most about fillers is that you see the results immediately and they make such a difference! They lift the face and give a more defined jawline. The injection points may be a little swollen initially but will go down in 2 days.

Medical-Grade Chemical Peel

Microneedling in Serums

Moisturising Mask


Vicki’s skin was now ready for a medical-grade chemical peel and microneedling. Peel treatments penetrate deep into the dermis to help reduce pores, pigmentation and melasma caused by sun damage while improving the texture of the skin, stimulating collagen production and evening out skin tone. After the peel, I microneedled in some nourishing, rejuvenating serums. MIcroneedling causes slight injury to the skin to trigger it to produce new collagen-rich tissue. The skin effectively repairs itself by generating collagen and elastin, which stimulates growth, leaving the skin refreshed and rejuvenated.

I assessed the results of Vicki’s cheek fillers and Profhilo to see if there were any little tweaks I needed to do. Her face is already looking more balanced and her skin is smoother and more lifted. I decided to add 10 threads on either side of Vicki’s mouth. Threads help with deep smile lines by lifting sagging skin and stimulating collagen production to reduce its heaviness and laxity. Threads also help improve the appearance of nasolabial folds by lifting and providing support to the underlying structures of the skin in the treated area.

“I had got to the stage where I didn't like my face anymore, I hadn't really taken care of my skin properly over the years and it was showing. Now I am so happy, it looks so good.”



This visit was to assess how everything was settling in and to make any minor adjustments. Vicki’s skin is looking firmer, her pigmentation is reducing and overall it looks healthier and more lifted. It was also time to top up her Botox as it was last done in April.

Vicki has been following a bespoke Medik8 skincare regimen including their Vitamin C Tetra, a gentle and effective radiance-restoring and age-defying daily serum. The main focus of C-Tetra Serum is to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles while increasing vitality and visibly adding radiance to the complexion. She also now religiously wears an SPF50 every day.

I injected some Profhilo skin boosters to stimulate collagen and elastin production, give a hydration boost and improve elasticity. Skin boosters improve the texture and appearance of skin and help to even out skin tone, penetrating deep into the dermal layers to improve skin laxity, quality and tone. I noticed when I was putting in the skin boosters that there was a ‘bounce back’ on the needle which indicates that there’s lots of collagen being produced.

Finally, I topped up Vicki’s cheek fillers.

This second August visit was to check how Vicki’s cheek fillers were settling in and to do any top-ups or adjustments required. I also wanted to balance out Vicki’s chin. By holding a ruler between the tip of her nose and chin I could see she still had a slight chin retrusion. Ideally, the tip of our nose and chin should be in line. Symmetry was restored by adding a touch of filler to restore the lost volume and definition by adding projection and pulling her chin down.

As we hit middle age we lose volume in our faces and sometimes that loss of volume can lead to a slightly less defined chin which can start to turn upwards a little. Chin filler gives excellent results for those with a recessed/receding chin by balancing the profile and diminishing the effect of a double chin.

Finally, I added some filler to Vicki’s lips, ensuring it looked natural by keeping to her lip shape. First I added volume to her top lip being careful not to alter its shape, just add symmetry and fullness. I then added a small amount to her bottom lip so that both looked hydrated. There is always a little swelling immediately after lip filler which goes down within a few hours. I find using small amounts of filler gives a natural, subtle more youthful result.

“I just had to let you know – I’ve just got back from a meeting and I received so many compliments on how good my face looks. Thank you so much Sam.”
